
Payment Instructions for Vendors

Thank you for working with our associations to meet their needs. For billing and payments, please note the following:

All of our invoices are paid through Avid Strongroom. Your invoice will be reviewed by our staff, approved by board members and then released for payment. To be successful, and to expedite your payments, please note the following:

1. Make sure your invoice is clear and easy to read.
2. Please date your invoice and make sure the total is correct.
3. Please bill to the association name (do not bill to the manager or just the street address)
4. Please submit invoices, statements and questions to invoices@kb2management.com
5. If you have an automatic billing system, you can submit invoices directly to the payables lockbox at kb2mgmtinvoices@payableslockbox.com If you submit to the payables lockbox, the system is an automation. We will not see any notes or questions in the body of your email.

Payments are normally paid on a net 21 or net 30. If you have not received a payment, please email invoices@kb2management.com

If you want to be paid more quickly, Avid Strongroom offers 2 solutions.

1. You can sign up for a virtual Mastercard. The fee is around 2%.
2. You can sign up for ACH payments. The fee is around 1%.

Please note: The associations do not reimburse you for any fee incurred to receive payment more quickly. This is a choice you make as a supplier/vendor. It will take a few days to get these solutions set up. Please call Avid Strongroom in advance to set them up at (704) 971-8170. Please make sure to tell them you are on Strongroom.

If you have any questions, please email invoices@kb2management.com