Community Amenities

JadeWinds / Community Amenities

Reserving Facilities

On this page you can reserve any of the amenities and facilities. Each facility has its own requirements and reservation instructions, so please read carefully as you reserve any facility. This is a RESERVATION REQUEST.  What this means is that the system will hold your reservation for 24 hours so you can complete any and all requirements. After you have submitted the requirements to the management office then your reservation will be confirmed. If you do not complete your requirements then after 24 hours your reservation will be canceled automatically. You can make the reservation from the convenience of your home and then drop off any necessary documents and payments to the management office, saving yourself time and having the convenience of holding your preferred time. If you have any questions about the facilities and reservations please contact the management staff.

How to reserve a facility

You can see the available facilities in the bottom left under the My Calendars and change the calendar view to Day, Week, Month and Agenda. To reserve, please go to the desired day and right click and select New Reservation, select your facility and complete the Reservation Data From - To, Recurrence and any comments under Note. Please scroll down to see the availability of the facility, the available hours will display in green. After you complete the Reservation you will received and email with your request information and any instructions or Forms needed for the reservation.